AEW acquires fully-let logistics portfolio in Île-de-France (FR)

AEW acquires fully-let logistics portfolio in Île-de-France (FR)

AEW has acquired a c. 38,000 m² logistics portfolio in the Île-de-France region, near Paris, on behalf of a French institutional investor.


The portfolio comprises two fully-let, Grade A logistics properties with 15,000 m² and 23,000 m² of space respectively. 


Both assets are strategically located, in the major logistics hubs of Compans and the ZAC (joint development zone) of Orme Pomponne Ris-Orangis, and close to the main French North-South motorway network. 


AEW was advised by Prudhomme & Baum,  Baker McKenzie, ECOR and ICF Environment.  The vendor was advised by Ashurst and Flusin. JLL acted as an advisor on the sale of the portfolio.

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