The prizes for the
most convincing store concepts worldwide were awarded to:
Hershey's Chocolate World

Las Vegas, USA
2,008 m²
Designed by JGA
Besides New York buildings in chocolate, interactive elements turn the brand products into something customers can experience, e.g. “Flavour walls” and confectionery stands give customers the opportunity to personalise their favourite products.
Jablka Adama (Adam's Apples)

The interior of the store is reminiscent of a fruit market in playful reference to the brand's trademark. For example, to present the products the company uses a wooden sales stall on wheels. Echoing this, the side walls are decorated with brown paper bags.
Replay The Stage

Milan, Italy 1,500 m²
Designed by Roman and Williams Interior
Resembling a theatre set, the store boasts stage equipment, polished concrete flooring, spotlights against black ceilings and power cables. Diverse backdrops create a raw but bustling interior. For example, a modest house from the US Midwest and a tailor’s shop from 1928 Manhattan, where customers can have jeans made to measure.
For the EuroShop RetailDesign Award an international team of experts made up of representatives of leading press publications and retail associations nominates the best stores with the most successful store concepts. From the multitude of candidates the jurors then select the three best stores. Criteria are an inspiring design, a clear message in terms of product range, an unambiguous appeal to a specific target group, and a very good corporate design. There is no categorisation by sectors or selling space.