TFI PZU SA instructs Savills to sell two commercial real estate portfolios (PL)

arkonska business park

International real estate advisor Savills has been instructed by Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU SA (TFI PZU SA) to sell two commercial real estate portfolios with a total area of 68,600 m².


Windrose portfolio consists of four retail properties: Galeria Jeziorak in Iława, Galeria Indomo in Lubin, Galeria Echo in Pabianice, and Supermarket Alma in Nowym Targu. Bluemoon portfolio consists of two office properties: Athina Park in Warsaw and Arkonska Business Park in Gdańsk.


Both portfolios include six properties located in Poland. The owner either plans to sell the individual portfolios separately or both portfolios to one buyer.


Michał Ćwikliński, Managing Director, Head of Investment at Savills, said: "Both portfolios offer an attractive investment opportunity and risk diversification due to different locations and asset classes. The office portfolio gives a purchaser the potential for further value growth after the renegotiation of the leases and their extension, as well as the good cash-on-cash projections. At the same time the retail portfolio offers a long-term income with the ability to increase in value through active management and expansion opportunities."


The generated revenue by all properties would amount to approx. €10.2 mln per year.


Source: Savills

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