Redevco, one of the largest investors in European high street properties, has attracted six new high-profile retailers to its €105 million Promenade Sainte-Catherine regeneration project in Bordeaux’s city centre. This means 70% of the commercial space is let more than a year before the scheduled opening in the second-half of 2015.
International fashion brand Superdry agreed to pre-let a 1,150 m2 unit and BlueBox/Denim & Supply Ralph Lauren will open a 1,000 m2 store in the development. Jewelry and accessories chain Moa, teenage fashion chain Bershka, Italian menswear Izaca and lingerie brand, Passionata have also signed pre-let agreements. The six join Hollister, Lego Concept Store, JD Sport, Monop’, C&A, Swarovski, and La Fabrique des Lunettes in the roster of premium retail brands committed to being Promenade Sainte-Catherine tenants.
Thierry Cahierre, Managing Director of Redevco France, said: “Having 70% of the retail and leisure space pre-let is a key milestone for the Promenade Sainte-Catherine project. It reflects confidence in Redevco delivering a high quality product in the heart of Bordeaux’s prime shopping district. Each of these brands adds to the attractive up-market tenant mix of the project, which has tremendous momentum ahead of its opening in the second-half of 2015.”
Promenade Sainte-Catherine is a redevelopment of the former headquarters of the regional newspaper Sud-Ouest and is designed to combine 19,000 m2 of shops and restaurants around a new pedestrianized square with 10,000 m2 of apartments on the upper floors in a mix of private and social housing. Sushi restaurant Matsuri is the first major leisure tenant to have signed a pre-let agreement in the project, which will offer a total of more than 1,000 m2 of space split across a range of regional and international dining concepts.
Work started in 2012 to open up the site to create a link with the city’s two adjacent prime shopping streets of rue Sainte Catherine and rue Porte Dijeaux. Redevco employed the internationally renowned firm of architects Valode-Pistre to ensure that Bordeaux’s largest regeneration project blends seamlessly with the historic city centre, which is a UNESCO classified world heritage site.
Source: Redevco