JLL Slovakia advises on logistics/office Daylight Portfolio transaction (SK)

slovakia | ©JLL

JLL Investment team in Slovakia, acting on behalf of the owner, has successfully closed the Daylight Portfolio transaction comprising prime, high quality logistics, light industrial and office premises in Slovakia. The entire portfolio was acquired by international real estate developer CTP. The value of the transaction remains confidential.


Miroslav Barnáš, managing director and head of capital markets at JLL Slovakia, said: “Daylight portfolio offers great product diversity as well as secured and sustainable income. Portfolio attracted attention of vast majority of sector investors and as a result of competitive bidding process we experienced smooth and prompt sales process.“


Remon Vos, CEO CTP, said:“The successful closing of this deal underpins our long-term strategy of reaching regional dominance through both acquisitions and organic growth. We recently strengthened our in-house M&A team and I am delighted to see the fruits of that labour come to force. The purchased portfolio comprises three excellent properties in highly-attractive locations.”


The Daylight portfolio includes three assets:


  • 62,000 m² logistics and production halls in Trnava, next to the PSA Peugeot Citroën production facility, with a land bank of 35,000 m² for further development – renamed CTPark Trnava
  • 15,000 m² automotive components production facility in Nitra, near the future site of the Jaguar Land Rover plant, with a land bank of 40,000 m² for further development – renamed CTPark Nitra
  • 8,500 m² Westend Tower office building in Bratislava


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