Foundation of Ratina shopping centre will be laid today (FI)

ratina shopping centre © ratina

The foundation stone of shopping centre Ratina, developed by Sponda, will be laid in Tampere today. The celebration will be organised at the shopping centre’s construction site in Ratina. Participants in the laying of the foundation stone include the Mayor of Tampere Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Member of Parliament Arto Satonen and Sponda’s President and CEO Kari Inkinen.


Shopping centre Ratina will be completed in spring 2018, and it will be the largest commercial centre in the city with an area of 53,00m². Ratina consists of three retail locations: the newly constructed Valo-Ratina and two renovated functionalist buildings Funkkis-Ratina and Ranta-Ratina. The buildings will host more than 140 shops, and the surrounding marketplace areas will create a unique cityscape with a sense of community.


The Ratina shopping centre wants to create an urban culture that has a stronger sense of community. It offers both individuals and communities a chance to develop their city, Tampere.


“We want to be involved in supporting communal activities and create a shopping centre that feels dear to local residents because they have been able to express themselves during the construction of the area,” says Visa Vainiola, Shopping Centre Manager at Sponda Plc. “The shopping centre and the surrounding areas offer a prime setting for a range of leisurely activities, shopping and events,” continues Vainiola.

The first steps of co-operation will be taken already during the construction stage; people are encouraged to share their most important messages on the Ratina website, the ones they wish to preserve forever. The idea is to compile the personal notes to loved ones on a community note board, where others can read them years after their creation. The note board will serve as a backdrop for the Ratina plaza stage, which will feature a variety of outdoor performances in the years to come. Seven notes have been selected among the first notes submitted, and these will be cast in the foundation stone of Valo-Ratina today. The writers of these messages will also participate in the laying of the foundation stone.


Source: Sponda

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