Empira Group acquires Berlin portfolio (DE)

Empira Group acquires Berlin portfolio for transition-top green strategy (DE)

Empira Group has successfully completed the acquisition of six multi-family buildings as well as residential and commercial properties in the Neukolln, Kreuzberg and Wedding districts of Berlin. 


The acquired properties are situated in highly sought-after locations in Berlin yet do not currently comply with modern energy-efficiency standards. Under the strategy of the Transition to Green Fund, Empira Group plans to comprehensively modernise these buildings and modify them to meet current energy-efficiency requirements. The objective is to lower energy consumption through specific energy-efficiency refurbishment and to significantly improve the carbon footprint of the properties. The implementation of these measures will begin immediately.


This purchase marks an important milestone for our Transition to Green Fund,” explains Ralf Morisse, Head of Transactions at Empira Group. “It is our aim to convert energy-inefficient buildings into sustainable real estate portfolios and in doing so make a significant contribution to reducing CO? emissions in the property sector.



The financing for the acquisition and the planned energy-efficiency modernisation measures has been provided by BerlinHyp and through KfW loans.


Image source - Pexels.


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