Green light for the rejuvenation treatment of the Marstall-Center in Ludwigsburg: ECE acquired the shopping center from the city of Ludwigsburg and will not only be responsible for the revitalization but will also take over the long-term management and leasing out of the center. According to the current state of planning, the refurbishment works for the Marstall-Center, which was opened in 1975, will start in spring 2014. The opening is scheduled for fall 2015. The investment volume for the re-design amounts to approx. €90 million.
The Marstall-Center is located centrally in the historic Baroque city center and is perfectly integrated with its different exits to Kirchstraße, Marstall-straße, and Holzmarkt. On two-and-a-half shopping levels, the completely re-designed shopping center will provide a sales area of approx. 23,000 m² with around 60 shops as well as a food court with various cafés and restaurants.
In the course of the revitalization, the interior is completely renewed and the main entrance façade is clearly upgraded according to a design by the architectural office Kaspar Kraemer Architekten BDA, Cologne. A fundamental component of the modernization is the creation of barrier-free entrances to the center. Also the center’s car park will be comprehensively modernized; it will welcome the visitors after its completion in a lighter and clearer design as well as with wider access roads. Also in future, around 650 parking spaces will be provided. The leasing of the new shop units in the Marstall-Center has already started. The regional as well as national and international retailers already showed great interest in the location.
Nikolaus Thätner, ECE project developer: “I am very happy that with the Marstall-Center we can now manage a property at a prime location and which is perfectly integrated in the city center. We can contribute our decades-long experience in the modernization of such properties. The re-designed Marstall-Center will sustainably strengthen the attractiveness of the complete city center.”
Werner Spec, Lord Mayor of Ludwigsburg: “We are very happy that ECE decided to realize the revitalization of the Marstall-Center. On part of the city government and the local council, it was the right step to acquire the shop units of the Marstall-Center with great commitment. We took a completely new direction; we don’t know similar cases in other municipalities. My colleagues have done a fantastic job and thus considerably contributed to the revitalization.”
Source: ECE