ECE and Hermes Germany launch the fourth of nine logistics centres in a row (DE)

Hermes Logistics
ECE started construction on another modern logistics centre for the logistics service provider Hermes Germany: Andreas Scharf, Mayor of Graben municipality, Dirk Rahn Managing Director Operations of Hermes Germany, and ECE Managing Director Dr. Andreas Mattner broke ground for the project in the Graben industrial park near Augsburg.
It is the fourth of nine logistics centres that ECE will realize for Hermes Germany as part of a major project which is scheduled for overall completion in 2019.  Construction for further logistics centers is already underway at locations in Bad Rappenau near Heilbronn, Ketzin near Berlin, and Mainz. The next projects will be launched successively at locations in Cologne, Hamburg, Dresden, Halle/Leipzig, and in the Münster-Osnabrück region. The total investment by ECE and Hermes amounts to €600m. ECE is responsible for the entire processing of the projects. This includes searching and acquiring a plot, the planning and turnkey development of the property, and selling it on the investors' market.
The logistics properties are based on a prototype that was developed and optimized by ECE. It comes in two sizes and can be developed quickly and cost-effectively in the relevant locations. The logistics center which is being built in Graben near Augsburg is the smaller version and comprises a logistics facility of 9,000 m² with adjacent offices, technical facilities, and social areas of approximately 2,500 m².
The centerpiece of the logistics center is a high-performance sorting system that processes more than 200,000 packages every day. These arrive or leave through 115 dock doors. Completion of the logistics center in Graben has been scheduled for January 2018. It will start operations in March 2018. The location, which will create approximately 100 new jobs, is conveniently situated on Federal Highway 17. The vicinity to Freeways A8 and A96 make the Graben facility an attractive location. The total investment amounts to approximately €40m.

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