Deutsche Investment acquires Rodertalpark retail park (DE)

Deutsche Investment acquires Rodertalpark retail park (DE)

Deutsche Investment has just acquired the Rodertalpark retail park located in Grossrohrsdorf (Saxony). Built in 1995, the property comprises circa 15,560m² and was thoroughly modernised and enlarged in 2012 and is almost fully occupied today. Anchor tenants include the multiples Kaufland (superstore), Aldi Nord (discount supermarket) andHagebau (DIY). The retail spectrum is supplemented by regional tenants, covering the segments textiles and footwear, gastronomy and services. The very well-maintained property was acquired from Pemper Stoler Grundbesitz. The two parties agreed not to disclose the selling price.


Rodertalpark is the largest retail warehouse park in the region, the nearest towns being Pulsnitz, Radeberg and Bischofswerda. It lies in a conveniently accessed location next to the A4 motorway between Dresden and Bautzen. Shoppers have the use of 625 free car parking spots on the premises.


“We intentionally chose to include retail warehouse parks in rural areas on the periphery of major conurbations or middle-order centres among the group of targeted investment assets for our separate asset pool. What matters to us is that such locations should have a far-reaching appeal within their regions,” said Susanne Klaussner, Managing Partner of DIR Deutsche Investment Retail GmbH whose specialised team handles the transaction, asset and property management for the separate asset pool.


“With a tenant mix that is resilient vis-à-vis the online competition, Rodertalpark has evolved into a very important location within the region because the high footfall at the anchor tenants’ demonstrates that it functions properly despite the pandemic-related closures of some chain retailers,” added Matthias Kreil, the Head of Transaction Management at DIR Deutsche Investment Retail GmbH.

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