Danone invests €240m in state-of-the-art facility for its Early Life Nutrition brands in Cuijk (NL)

danone | ©Danone Россия

Danone has announced that it is investing €240m to build a new plant for its Early Life Nutrition business. With this investment, Danone hopes to capitalise on the growing demand for its international early life nutrition brands, including Aptamil and Nutrilon, for both standard and specialised products. The state-of-the-art facility will be built in Cuijk, the Netherlands, with the aim of commencing production in late 2017.


This new plant is Danone’s largest investment in its European production capabilities, and will double its capacity in the Netherlands. Output will be exported to more than 80 countries worldwide.


Felix Martin Garcia, executive vice president of the Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition division said: “Building our new production plant in Cuijk is a major step for Danone and Nutricia. It will give us the capacity we need to meet rising demand for our early life nutrition products, and is consistent with our 2020 roadmap calling for strong, profitable and sustainable growth. We are also delighted to be making this investment in the Netherlands, where our Nutricia brand has had a proud heritage stretching back over more than 100 years.”


The Cuijk location was chosen to because of the expertise of current staff and for the site’s proximity to Danone’s R&D centre in Utrecht, the company’s global hub for research dedicated to early life nutrition and advanced medical nutrition.


The new facility will meet Danone’s targets for sustainability, offering very high energy efficiency and complying with the strictest CO2 emission standards.

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