Cromwell Property Group has sold two office buildings and one light industrial building in Houten, the Netherlands, from the Omikron portfolio that it manages on behalf of Goldman Sachs. The three properties are located in Houten, a town south of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Both Meidoornkade 10 and Meidoornkade 12 are three storey office buildings with a combined total area of 5,617m², while Peppelkade 29 is a 6,263m² light industrial building. Current tenants include Sharp Electronics, OSN Nederland and De Rooij Transport. The purchase price was not disclosed.
Richard den Hartigh, Head of Asset Management, Benelux at Cromwell Property Group in Europe, commented: “Since acquiring the properties four years ago, Cromwell has completed several asset management initiatives which resulted in improvements in income. These included the refurbishment of the central entrance at Meidoornkade 12, which resulted in us signing a new lease with OSN Nederland on 2,000m² of space. Furthermore, two new leases were signed at Peppelkade 29.De Rooij Transport signed a lease for 4,359m² space and OSN Nederland leases 1,904m².”