Corestate changes to Prime Standard (DE)

Corestate changes to Prime Standard (DE)

Corestate Capital Holding has announced that it has applied for admission of its shares to trading on the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The first day of trading is expected for 2 November 2017.


All 21,294,123 shares of the Company (ISIN LU1296758029/WKN A141J3) shall be admitted to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange via the regulated market with simultaneous admission to the sub-segment of the regulated market with additional post-admission obligations (Prime Standard).


Sascha Wilhelm, CEO of Corestate: “The Prime Standard listing is an additional crucial step for our business development. The admission to trading on the regulated market will enhance the marketability of our share and increase its liquidity. The listing in selected stock indices as well as reaching additional investors will strengthen our growth strategy. In addition, the listing underscores our efforts to comply with the capital markets best practices.”

Since the initial listing of the company's shares in October 2016, the Corestate's shares have been listed on the non-regulated open market (Entry Standard and currently on the segment Scale) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This listing will be cancelled upon trading of the company's shares on the regulated market.

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