Buying opportunities for good quality shopping centre assets are likely to remain restricted over the next six months and, following the return of a broader range of investors to the market, further y ...
Global private equity firm, The Carlyle Group has completed the acquisition of two mixed use residential/retail buildings in Paris. The properties form the part of the €231 million "Maheu" portfolio ...
Aggravation of the financial crisis in 2009 (freezing of projects, defaults of retail operators) revealed weaknesses of the market and its players, as well as mistakes made in project development duri ...
A consortium of 7 banks has advanced a new 7 year, £525 million (aaprox. €603 mln.) loan facility to refinance the Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock. Lakeside is owned and managed by Capital Shoppi ...
Local knowledge is key for equity rich Arabs as market dynamics boost office prices and capital gains according to Asteco's fourth quarter report, Asteco Savills Research Q4 2009, on the UK property m ...
The European Retail Round Table (ERRT) held its annual policy debate in Brussels. This year's event concentrated on the topic of "Retail and the Recovery" but included a focus on sustainability issues ...
A syndicate of banks comprised of Ceska Sporitelna, ÈSOB, HYPO Investmentbank, and KBC Bank provided a syndicated loan of €98.475 million (approx. CZK. 2.58 billion) for the construction of the Novà ...
The UK Green Building Council today (Friday) urged government to phase out the least energy efficient buildings by 2020 and to roll out Display Energy Certificates (DECs), which give an A-G rating on ...