Skanska has secured a contract for construction management of a new hospital in Ohio. The total value of the project is USD 109 mln. Skanska's portion of the contract amount is USD 61 mln, approximate ...
Metrovacesa SA has doubled the number of shares held as treasury stock to 2.4 pct, according to a filing with stock market regulator CNMV dated Nov 10. The company last stated on Oct 18 that it held 1 ...
Corio acquired the shopping centre Art de Vivre with a lettable area of approximately 20,500 m² for a total amount of â¬51.8 mln. Art de Vivre is located in the attractive and strong retail zon ...
ECE's first shopping center in the Czech Republic, Galerie Vaňkovka in Brünn, which opened in March 2005, has been awarded with the most important award in the country, Best Real Est ...
Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG has sold ailing real estate loans with a total volume of about €1.8 billion to Goldman Sachs on the basis of an auction procedure. The parties have agreed ...
In the first nine months, IVG increased consolidated earnings after taxes by 67% to €55.9 million (3Q/2004: 33.5). Operating earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) rose to €140. ...
Rodamco Europe is continuing its good results in the first nine months 2005. Based on the current standards and interpretations of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), direct result aft ...
Shaftesbury PLC announces that it has agreed, subject to shareholder approval, to establish a joint venture with the Mercers' Company. Shaftesbury and the Mercers' Company (together the "JV Partners") ...