Constructor ACS made yesterday a takeover bid for just 10% of Unión Fenosa, with the aim to reach the 35% of the electrical companys capital. The construction Group leaded by Florentino Perez offers ...
Prior to completion IMMOFINANZ Immobilien Anlagen AG has sold its flagship in Hungary, Budapest's Europe Tower, to Erste Bank Hungary's real estate fund Erste Nyíltvégű Ingatlan Alap. Confi ...
The continuing pensions crisis is bolstering the UK buy-to-let market as investors choose to hold on to properties for the long term, says RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), which publis ...
The Executive Board of Royal BAM Group nv has appointed R. Vollebregt (43) chairman of the management of BAM Vastgoed bv in Bunnik. Roel Vollebregt has been employed by BAM since 1999 and has been app ...
Rodamco Europe, the largest publicly listed property investment and management company in the retail sector in Europe, has mandated Goldman Sachs and UBS investment Bank to lead manage its upcoming Eu ...
Shareholders in Fabege AB (publ) with uneven lots have been offered to buy or sell shares free of commission to a shareholding evenly divisible by 100 (one round lot/trading lot = 100 shares) accordin ...
The Primeros Property Fund is the first western standard investment vehicle to offer investors access to the Ukrainian real estate market. The Fund has been structured to offer access to a diversified ...
Three shopping centres have been opened this week in Poland: Galeria Ostrowiec in Ostrowiec wi tokrzyski, Ferio Gaj in Wroc aw and Galeria Copernicusÿin Toru.The 15,000 m² Galeria Ostrowiec cost PLN ...