Michiel Olland joins management team Bouwfonds Property Finance International (NL)

The business unit International of Bouwfonds Property Finance has strengthened its management team. Michiel Olland (46) has joined BPF Internationals management team and will be responsible for Southern Europe and New Markets. Mr Olland has 14 years experience in international property and finance and investment, working for Westland/Utrecht Hypotheekbank, ABP and KFN. In addition, Mr Olland has been the president of INREV since its establishment. His wide-ranging expertise and experience fit in perfectly with the international ambitions of Bouwfonds Property Finance.

Sander Scheffer (51) has been appointed director of Operations of BPF International. Mr Scheffer has been employed at Bouwfonds Property Finance since 1988. In his new position he will be responsible for Project Control, Finance & Reporting and Operational Support/IT.

With the appointments of Mr Olland and Mr Scheffer, BPF Internationals management team now consists of:

Arjen van Rijn General/Northern America
Sander Scheffer Operations
Michiel van Loon Northern Europe
Michiel Olland Southern Europe and New Markets

Source: Bouwfonds

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