This years EXPO ITALIA (EIRE 2010) to be held June 8 - 10 in Milan, will welcome 473 companies and institutions who are represented there, and over 14,000 professional operators (from over 50 Countrie ...
Fifteen important real estate topics have been confirmed for this year's popular End User Debate, hosted during the annual Provada conference. Organised by CoreNet Global's Benelux Chapter in coopera ...
Évgyûrûk Pension Fund, represented by GVA Robertson has purchased Üllõi út 48 'A ' category office building from BIF at a price of 3.8 billion forints (approx. 13.8 mln.)"GVA Robertson ha ...
In May, the sobering macroeconomic sentiment spilled over into the real estate industry. The poll-based Real Estate Climate, mirroring the industry sentiment, clearly suffered a damper in the May surv ...
At the 5th SEE Real Estate Awards gala which took place in Bucharest, Jones Lang LaSalle picked up three important awards for the Best Office Agency, Best Retail Agency and the coveted Real Estate Com ...
Norwegian Property has agreed with NAV (the Norwegian Labour and Welfare organisation) to extend the existing lease contract in Ibsenkvartalet (C.J.Hambros plass 2) for 5 years from 1 October 2011.The ...
Implementation of the motorway intersection of T
Implementation of the motorway intersection of TóPARK city centre that has been under way since the autumn of 2009 has reached its most spectacular stage, during which the bridge structure arching ov ...