Signature Capital has sold the Berlin Vodafone headquarters in the district of Tempelhof to COLCAP. The fully rented property known as the Berlin Vodafone Campus occupies 13,000m² with four ...
The LEADING CITIES INVEST has purchased its second office building at Lake Geneva. The newly built property La Porte d`Eysins comprises 6,500m² and has a large ...
Over the past five years, about 2.5m m² of office space has been leased to flexible office providers across the 12 European markets that we monitor, accodring to the latest findings by ...
Take-up in the Dublin office market in Q1 reached almost 100,000m² - 50% higher than the 5-year average for Q1 take-up in the capital, boosted by the carryover of some transactions from 2019, ...
Castellum is starting construction of Malmo's new Swedish National Courts Administration building in the expanding Nyhamnen district of central Malmö. The area will become one of northern ...
AM alpha has completed the acquisition of 21 Rue Eugène Ruppert, 2453 Luxembourg, a grade A office building in a prime location of Luxembourg Cloche d´Or. The purchase price ...
AEW, acting on behalf of a separate account mandate with the German public pension fund Rheinische Versorgungskassen (RVK), has acquired an office property in Paris from HANSAINVEST ...
CPI Property Group has acquired a 50.3% stake in the Chałubinskiego 8 office building in central Warsaw.The asset is one of the most recognisable and distinctive high-rise office properties ...