VIA Outlets officially opened the 4,000m2 extension to its Sevilla Fashion Outlet, culminating a €30m project to modernise and evolve the centre since its acquisition in 2016. With the recent ...
Tungsten Properties purchased a 24,281m2 plot in Basingstoke, Hampshire, for €9.17m, establishing a new urban logistics scheme. The developer has already received ...
SLP has acquired and taken ownership of two fully leased properties, Malmo Flygledaren 6 and Astorp Hyllinge 36:275, with a total lettable area of 18,500m2. The agreed property value amounts to ...
WorkLounge has completed the acquisition of the City Point office building in Pankrac, Prague 4. It is taking over the building from the investment company Amundi Czech Republic, which previously ...
Hagag Development Europe started the construction works for the restoration, consolidation and refunctionalization of Stirbei Palace on Calea Victoriei. H Stirbei Palace is the company's first ...
Works at Central Plaza, a landmark mixed-use property in the heart of Central Dublin, known for originally being the home of the Central Bank of Ireland are to be supported by a senior loan from ...
Self Storage Group ASA has entered into an agreement to acquire a property in Gandsbakken 2 in Stavanger, Norway. The transaction has a value of c. €1m and the property has a ...
NCC is to modernize the Ryhov County Hospital through extensive refurbishment and renovation as part of its framework agreement with Region Jonkoping. The project will be carried out as part of ...