Castellum AB has, through the wholly owned subsidiary Eklandia Fastighets AB, acquired a fully let office property comprising 3,900 m² at the Lindholmen Science Park pier, Gothenburg. The investment amounted to SEK 115 mln (approx. €12 mln) and the change of possession took place on February 19, 2015.
The transaction strengthens Eklandia’s position at Lindholmen and the property acquired is adjacent to one of Eklandia’s existing properties. In total Eklandia owns and manages a portfolio of approx. 54,000 m² at Lindholmen.
Further Eklandia sells an office property at Kungsgatan in central Gothenburg of approx. 1,570 m². The transaction amounted to SEK 65 mln (approx. €7mln) net in total after reduction for assessed deferred tax and transaction costs of SEK 4 mln (approx. €420,000), which was in line with the latest valuation.
"We increase our presence at Lindholmen – which is a collaborative environment for research, innovation and education with an international character" says Henrik Saxborn, CEO of Castellum. “This transaction strengthens our market position in the area and increased efficiency in the property management."
Source: Castellum