Boxx storage company acquired by Storage Share (NL)

Boxx storage company was acquired by Storage Share (NL)

The bankrupt storage company Boxx has been taken over by competitor Storage Share. Eight Boxx locations are acquired by Storage Share. Two additional locations will be kept open by Storage Share at least temporarily. Three Boxx locations are not included in the relaunch by Storage Share.


"After Boxx's bankruptcy was declared, we were approached by all competitors," said Ernst-Paul Pandelitschka, a trustee at Certa Advocaten. "With Storage Share, we figured it out quickly. It is a young company that has earned its spurs in the self-storage market in a short period of time. About four thousand Boxx tenants will be relieved of their worries with this restart."


"For us, the tenants were and are paramount," said Julian Doorten, co-owner of Storage Share. "If it hadn't come to a restart, all tenants would literally be out on the street with their stored belongings. All attention is now focused on a smooth transition of all tenants. A monster job with four thousand similarities. Once that is completed, we will go into the rental with the former Boxx buildings so that we can help new customers. The next phase is that we will continue to expand within the Boxx locations."


Image source - Pexels.


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