Atrium Ljungberg acquires Gothenburg office for €132m (SE)

Lindholmen 30:1
Atrium Ljungberg concluded an agreement on acquisition of the office property Lindholmen 30:1 in the city district Lindholmen in Gothenburg. The property is being acquired for an underlying property value of approximately €132m. By means of the acquisition, Atrium Ljungberg is doubling its property portfolio in Gothenburg.

Lindholmen 30:1 covers approximately 37,000 m² letting area with modern office premises and a garage with approximately 260 parking spaces. The property is fully let to Ericsson.


The property is located right by the water at Lindholmen, a central city district on the Hising side of Göta Älv and it is a part of the large development area Älvstaden. It is next to Chalmers University of Technology and Lindholmen Science Park, an important cluster for development-intensive technology, training and media companies. Service and restaurants are close by and there are very good transport links here.


The seller is real estate funds managed by Blackstone and Areim. Atrium Ljungberg will take possession of the property on 29 March 2017.


“Through the acquisition we have doubled our property portfolio in Gothenburg and are now a significant player at Lindholmen. In the long-term we will have even better opportunities to offer attractive premises to both existing and new tenants. Our local involvement allows us to continue collaborating with the city and businesses to generate added value for the area,” says Monica Fallenius, Business Area Director of Transaction and Establishment at Atrium Ljungberg.


Atrium Ljungberg established itself in Gothenburg in the autumn of 2015 when it acquired two office properties at Lindholmen. Since then the company has been clear with its aim to grow in Gothenburg.

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