Monday, 9 March 2015
AEW Europe completes €235 mln second close for European value add fund (EU)
AEW Europe announces the second closing of the Europe Value Investors Fund with commitments from new investors taking the total to €235 mln.
The Fund expects to undertake further closings in 2015, targeting a total investment capacity of €700 mln, and will focus on core plus and value add opportunities in the office sector predominately in Germany, France and the UK. The Fund has already acquired two assets in Germany and three in France. A further Paris asset is expected to complete by the end of March bringing the total investment volume of the Fund close to €200 mln since its launch in June 2014.
Russell Jewell, Head of Private Equity Funds for AEW Europe said: “Despite the ongoing competition in investment markets, we continue to see opportunities by taking advantage of our ability to source off market transactions which focus on smaller assets and longer hold periods to unlock value.”
Source: AEW Europe