Wöhr + Bauer have signed an option agreement for the Tower area, Munich. The 13,566 m² site will host the new headquarters of BrainLAB AG, a leader in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The plot is located in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance of the trade fair in Munich.
The plans for the new headquarters involve an addition to the Tower with a floor area of approximately 23,400 m².
Stefan Vilsmeier, CEO of BrainLAB AG commented “The Tower area with its excellent transport connection is ideal for the new headquarters of BrainLAB AG”.
The contract obliges Wöhr + Bauer GmbH to build the yet to be approved building and headquarters of BrainLAB AG within three years from the signing. Operational use by BrainLAB AG must also be maintained for a period of 10 years after the construction is completed.
Source: Wohr + Bauer