Verdion completes €30m logistics asset in Vejle (DK)

Verdion completes €30m logistics asset in Vejle (DK)

Verdion has completed its second new development in Denmark this year – a €30m state-of-the-art new logistics asset in the Jutland city of Vejle.


The 26,000m2 asset was developed in close collaboration between new occupier System Transport and Verdion, and constructed by KT Erhvervsbyg.


System Transport has invested significantly in the building fit-out, including a new large, market-leading Autostore robotics system and Denmark's largest textile tunnel press for preparing hanging garments supporting its clothing brand clients.


The facility itself has been developed to high environmental standards targeting DGNB Silver, including double the air tightness of local building regulations, energy-efficient heat pumps and an integrated photovoltaic system that makes the building partially self-sufficient for power.


Peter Michael Tetzlaff, Head of Investment – Nordics at Verdion said: "This is a state-of-the-art logistics asset built to high standards of construction with an impressive, fit-out. It benefits from a great location in the Triangle Region, which is essential for System Transport’s business, and forms part of Verdion’s wider strategy to create future-proof, core properties in established locations across the Nordics, Germany and the UK.”



Image provided by Holistic.



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