Toivo to build daycare centre in Espoo (FI)

Toivo to build daycare centre in Espoo (FI)

Toivo Group Plc (Toivo) has signed on a project valued at c. €4.5m to be constructed in Espoo with Norlandia Paivakodit Oy (Norlandia).


Toivo has entered into a long-term triple net rent agreement with Norlandia and will implement a daycare centre for six groups in Espoo. The daycare centre will be built in Puustellinmaki and will have two floors. In addition to the functionality of the interiors, special attention has been paid to the garden area. A large goahti hut-like building will also be built in the courtyard to support Norlandia's nature pedagogical focus. The aim is that the construction of the site can start as soon as possible and that the building will be operational by the end of 2025 or, at the latest, in early 2026.


"Norlandia is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Our business started just a stone’s throw away from this magnificent new project in Puustellinmaki. We are delighted to be able to expand our operations in Espoo to the Leppavaara area. Hope is well aware of our needs as a service provider and the building will fully match our wishes," said Miia Kollin, Country Manager at Norlandia Paivakodit.


"We want to provide children and early childhood education professionals with comfortable and safe premises and environments where they will be happy to work and learn new things. The collaboration with Norlandia's professionals has been straightforward, and our goal is to continue the good cooperation in future projects," said Perttu Aikkila, Business Director at Toivo.


Image source - Pexels.


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