After KPMG, another large company has opted for Futureal. Systemax Inc. is opening a new service center in Budapest at Corvin Promenade. Systemax is a Fortune 1000 company, selling personal computers, computer components and supplies, consumer electronics and industrial products through a system of branded e-Commerce websites, retail stores, relationship marketers and direct mail catalogs in North America and Europe. The primary brands are TigerDirect, Global, Industrial, MISCO, and inmac wstore.
Systemax's Budapest facility will support the company's expansion strategy, as well as improve the efficiency of operations. The service center will provide centralized back office operations and by the end of the year the creation of approximately 200 new jobs has been targeted.
After extended consultations and the survey of a number of potential sites in Eastern Europe, Systemax determined that the Hungarian capital, and more specifically Corvin Promenade, provided the best combination of high-quality, tenant-oriented office space design, easy access by means of public transport, as well as an excellent service environment.
Chosen as the company's headquarters in Budapest, Crystal Tower offers an enjoyable work environment that satisfies all demands, while its location provides the workers several high-standard services.
With its fitness rooms, restaurants, broad range of retail offerings and a colorful spectrum of Corvin Plaza outlets, Corvin Promenade and its comprehensive service package meet all the expectations a business would consider.
By having Systemax's service center moved into Corvin Promenade, the rental occupancy rate of Corvin Offices will approach 100%.
Futureal Group is launching Phase III of Corvin Offices in the first quarter of 2013, i.e. the Corvin Corner development with a total rentable space of 6200 m², which is projected to be opened in the second quarter of 2014. With this further investment, Promenade will offer nearly 50,000 m² offices to tenants.
Source: Futureal