For the seventh consecutive year, Skanska is ranked as a world leader in sustainable development. Skanska's listing on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes means that the company is considered to have combined sustainable profitability with long-term sustainable development.
The list is prepared annually based on an analysis of how financial, social and environmental aspects are integrated into the company's strategy. Policies and corporate governance are also included in the review.
Skanska has continually been on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes' world or European lists since 1999. Also this year, Skanska is on both lists.
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes 2005 include a number of international companies. In addition to Skanska, Swedish companies on the list are Ericsson, FöreningsSparbanken, Gambro, H&M, SKF and Volvo.
Recently, Switzerland-based Bank Sarasin announced, following a similar analysis, that Skanska is considered to be a leader for sustainable development in the global construction sector.
"It is a great honor that the company's sustainability is recognized in this manner," says Staffan Söderberg, Manager Sustainability, Skanska AB. "We place considerable emphasis on our operations being conducted in a long-term sustainable manner. These independent analyses provide proof that we have succeeded in combining high profitability goals with ethical and environmental values."
Sustainable development is a key element in Skanska's strategy and brand. Skanska's Code of Conduct contains principles underscoring how the company's operations shall be conducted with regard to business ethics, the environment and work environment. All employees have undergone Code of Conduct training.
Source: Skanska