With reference to the offer document dated 22 April 2003 (the 'Offer Document'), Koninklijke Volker Wessels Stevin nv ('VolkerWessels') and Victor Rijssen B.V. ('Victor Rijssen') make the following announcement in connection to the public offer by Victor Rijssen (the 'Offer') for all outstanding (depository receipts for) ordinary shares of VolkerWessels ('VolkerWessels Shares').
As at 16 May 2003 the tendered VolkerWessels Shares and committed VolkerWessels Shares together represent approximately 80,1% in the outstanding share capital of VolkerWessels (excluding the VolkerWessels Shares held by VolkerWessels).
A public announcement will be made at the latest on 22 May 2003 concerning declaring the Offer unconditional.
Source: Royal Volker Wessels Stevin