The Real Estate business of SyV ranks as the seventh largest group by asset value among the European sector and the fourth among those in continental Europe.
Sacyr Vallehermoso Group (SyV) real estate asset valuation as of 31st December 2004 reaches â¬6,499 million. This amount represents an increase of 29% in comparison to the same period in the previous year.
SyV interest in real estate (formed by Property company Testa and Housing Development company Vallehermoso) becomes the seventh largest in Europe and the fourth in continental Europe.
The valuation breakdown of the Group´s real estate assets according to CB Richard Ellis is as follows:
- â¬3,339.7 million corresponding to Vallehermoso
- â¬3,159.9 million are Testa´s assets
Testa property asset´s capital gains amounts to â¬825.6 million, and those corresponding to Vallehermoso reach â¬1,319.9 million.
Asset valuation breakdown by type of assets:
LAND: â¬2,480.8 million, 74.28%
TOTAL Vallehermoso: â¬3,339.7 million
OFFICES: â¬1,723.91 million, 55.61 %
SHOPPING CENTERS: â¬413.90 million, 13.35%
HOUSING TO LET: â¬196.62 million, 6.34%
INDUSTRIAL: â¬112.30 million, 3.62%
HOTELS: â¬153.57 million, 4.95%
OLD PEOPLE HOMES: â¬56.16 million, 1.81%
PARKING AND OTHERS: â¬22.57 million, 0.75%
SITES: â¬75.12 million, 2.42%
WORK IN PROGRESS: â¬283.67 million, 9.15%
ASSETS IN HOLDINGS: â¬62.08 million, 2.00%
TOTAL Testa: â¬3,099.92 million, 100%
Ranking Kempen by valuation assets:
1. BRITISH LAND (UK): â¬16,013 million
2. LAND SECURITIES (UK): â¬12,874 million
3. GECINA (FR): â¬8,436 million
4. RODAMCO EUROPE (NL): â¬7,268 million
5. LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL (UK): â¬7,174 million
6. UNIBAIL (FR): â¬6,632 million
7. TESTA + VALLEHERMOSO (ES): â¬6,500 million
8. HAMMERSON (UK): â¬5,801 million
9. METROVACESA (ES): â¬5,540 million
10. INMOBILIARIA COLONIAL (ES): â¬5,409 million
11. SLOUGH ESTATES (UK): â¬5,327 million
12. KLEPIERRE (FR): â¬4,600 million
13. CORIO (NL): â¬3,806 million
14. PIRELLI REAL ESTATE (IT): â¬3,453 million
15. BENI STABILI (IT): â¬3,349 million
Report of the business banking Kempen Outlook 2005 about the biggest european real estate companies: in the case of the spanish companies includes rental and residential assets.
Source: Sacyr Vallehermoso