pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, the public investment finance specialist bank, provided a €20m long term loan to the Département du Finistère to finance several renovation projects in relation to road networks and colleges. The transaction closed in July 2016.
The Département du Finistère is a coastal and more rural department. Economic activities include tourism and a large fishing sector, which supplies a third of the French seafood. With its 2016-2021 investment plan, the Département du Finistère confirms that the modernization and the maintenance of 3,500 km of departmental roads - including the creation of carpooling areas - and the ability to offer to college students attractive conditions for their personal development are major priorities. The Département du Finistère will pay special attention to the accessibility of the schools and the integration of the schools in their local environment and communi-ties.
Jean Christophe, Head of Public Investment Finance and General Manager of the French branch of pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank said: “The objective of the Dépar-tement du Finistère is to further develop its territory by improving infrastructure and citizens’ life. pbb’s experience regarding public investment and infrastructure pro-ject financing make us a natural partner for the Département’s projects.”