The supply of industrial and office parks in the northern region between Groningen and Assen is still sufficient to meet demand for the next few years. To prevent competition between the various municipalities regional parks should be managed and issued by a common company.
This is the conlcusion of a report by Etin Advisors and DTZ Zadelhoff. For the next five to twelve years there is asufficient space for office parks.
Main developments in the area are Europapark in Groningen, central railway locations in Groningen and Assen and other mixed business parks.
Presently more than 40 hectares annually are issued, as opposed to the previous annual figure of 25 hectares. Longterm a further increase should be expected, as a result of autonomous growth of regional companies. Investments by companies form the Randstad or from abroad are limited.
Main demand (75%) is for land in the cities of Groningen and Assen and supporting economic regions such as in Leek and Hoogezand-Sappemeer. Demand is mainly after mixed parks on top locations. In terms of quantity there will be enough land available. Infrastructure in the region is excellent with logistics centers in Veendam and Coevoerden.
(source: PropertyNl)