The organization structure of the CBRE Richard Ellis Bourdais-group has been finalized. CBRE Richard Ellis Bourdais came into existence after the merger of CB and Insignia. Gérard Aubert and Maurice Gauchot will manage the organization together.
The company has been divided into several departments:
- Agency will be lead by Maurice Gauchot. The general management will be in the hands of Marc-Henri Bladier, Jean Guillaume and Serge Maginel. A team of 12 senior advisors will work on transactions of more than 6,000 m² in the Ile-de-France
- Antoine Derville will lead ‘Investments’
- ‘Expertise’ will be lead by Denis François
- ‘Global Corporate Services & Consulting’ will be lead by Maurice Gauchot
- Françoise Héraud will be responsible for ‘Residential Affairs’
- ‘Real Estate Management’ will be under the management of Jean-Luc Saudemont and Bernard Boulenguiez
In the staff departments Laurent Lehmann will lead the Marketing/Communications department, Christia de Kérangal will manager the R&D department and Virginie Aubert will be responsible for the financial-administrative matters.
Jean-Michel Andrieu will be the president of the Advisory Board.