Icade has signed a real-estate development contract with the AG2R LA MONDIALE Group to construct a building containing 15,000 m² of offices and 990 m² of shops on plot T6C in the Paris Rive Gauche ZAC.
In 2012, Icade won the call for bids from developer-architects launched by SEMAPA, with an innovative project by Marc Mimram whose architectural quality appealed to the judges.
The "bridge-building" straddling nearly 60m of railway lines at the Gare d’Austerlitz will be created from metal structures mounted on spans and spaced progressively along two supporting sections delivered by SEMAPA. This makes it a technical feat never before achieved in Europe. The permit is currently being considered and work is due to begin in the second quarter of 2014 for delivery in the third quarter of 2017.
Source: Icade