Homburg Invest Inc. is currently in the process of arranging meetings with representatives of the major shareholders of DIM Vastgoed N.V. It is expected that these meetings will take place before mid August. The results of these meetings may affect the decision of Homburg Invest with regard to its intended offer on DIM. In addition, in order to comply with Dutch rules and regulations, Homburg Invest will apply for a license under the Dutch Investment Companies Supervision Act (Wet toezicht Beleggings-instellingen). Major amendments to this Act are expected to take effect in the near future. It is anticipated that the application process will consume considerable time.
For the above mentioned reasons, Homburg Invest does not expect to announce any news in the near future with regards to the intended offer. No later than 30 days after today, Homburg Invest will issue a press release, to update the public on the process. If any conditions, facts or circumstances change to justify the issue of a press release, this will be done immediately.
This is a public announcement as meant in Section 9g(1)(c) of the Dutch Securities Market Supervision Decree (Besluit toezicht effectenverkeer 1995) (the "Decree"). At this moment it is not possible for Homburg Invest to announce the offering price for DIM shares as meant in Section 9g(1)(a) of the Decree.
Source: Homburg Invest