Heijmans N.V. (construction, property development and related activities) announces that within the scope of investigations by the Dutch Competition Authority (Nma) into irregularities in the construction sector, it today has received penalty rulings in four matters. The penalty totals â⬠14,823,000 . Heijmans is examining the individual rulings.
In 2002 and 2003, Heijmans examined six investigations by the NMa into possible irregularities in projects in which Heijmans was involved. The penalty rulings released by the NMa (â⬠50,000 for the cooperation with Soletanche, â⬠610,000 for the construction of athletics tracks, â⬠289,000 for the execution of asphalting work in Noord Nederland and â⬠13,874,000 for the execution of asphalting work at and around Schiphol) concerns four of the six investigations. Heijmans will first carefully examine these penalties.
Heijmans will continue along the path it has already decisively taken. This included taking various measures to prevent a repeat. For example, a code of conduct was introduced, a code of conduct committee was installed and in each offer, statements are signed stating that no agreements were made and there was no conduct that could restrict competition. It goes without saying that Heijmans wholeheartedly supports a code of conduct for the entire sector.
Source: Heijmans NV