Garbe and Logicenters break ground on timber logistics property (DE)

Garbe and Logicenters host break ground on timber logistics property (DE)

The official ground-breaking ceremony at the port of Straubing-Sand in Bavaria marked the start of the project for one of the largest logistics properties in pure timber construction. The new building is being developed by Garbe Industrial Real Estate GmbH and the joint venture partner Logicenters, a company of Nrep. Completion of the 27,000m2 logistics hall, which is intended to set new standards in sustainable construction, is scheduled for the third quarter of 2025. The investment volume amounts to around €31m. 


The timber logistics hall will be built on a 47,000m2 leasehold site ready for construction, which the joint venture partners secured in the spring as one of the last large areas in the port of Straubing-Sand. The modern logistics property is planned to have around 24,500m2 of hall space, 1,500m2 metres of warehouse space and c. 1,100m2 of office and social space. 


To ensure the smooth entry and exit of goods, it is to be equipped with 24 dock levellers and nine covered sectional doors. Parking spaces for 70 cars and twelve trucks as well as 30 parking spaces for bicycles will be created on the outdoor area.


"The new hall is a flagship project for us," said Adrian Zellner, Member of the Executive Board of Garbe Industrial Real Estate. "It is our first logistics building that we are constructing entirely in timber.


In addition to the entire supporting structure and the mezzanine levels, the entire facade will also be made of wood.  Spruce is currently being planned for the structure and Douglas fir for the façade. The total of around 4,400m3 of wood required is sourced from the region and comes from sustainable forestry in Bavaria and Austria.



"As a leading German project developer for warehouse and logistics properties, we are already building all of our properties in accordance with sustainable ESG criteria," said Adrian Zellnerunderlining the company's ambition to set new standards for more sustainable construction. "As wood is a renewable raw material, we can further improve the eco-balance of our new buildings. According to initial calculations, for example, we expect a CO2 reduction of up to 66% compared to a development using conventional reinforced concrete construction."


"Our goal is to build a sustainable and strongly ESG-oriented logistics portfolio in Germany together with Garbe," said Martin Ohly, General Manager Logicenters Germany, a company of Nrep, the largest real estate investment manager in the Nordic countries. "Straubing, our first joint project, fits perfectly into this strategy."


Significant support for the construction of the timber logistics hall also came from the Zweckverband Straubinger Hafen (ZVH, Straubing Port Association), the ground lease owner of the property.


"Garbe showed us very convincingly that they want to set a benchmark for a sustainable logistics property in Straubing. The clear commitment to timber construction was decisive for us when awarding our trimodal premium site in competition with other applicants," said Andreas Loffert, Managing Director of the Straubing-Sand Port Association.


The planting concept exceeds the requirements of the development plan and the specifications of the special-purpose association by 10%, with a natural transition between an adjacent biotope and the outdoor area of the property, fauna-friendly lighting, and green area benches.


Mayor Markus Pannermayr, Chairman of the ZVH Association, is impressed by the ambition of the project: "I am particularly pleased that Garbe wants to implement the requirements of the Bavarian Flowering Pact and thus promote biodiversity in our harbour environment in an exemplary manner. With this partnership between Garbe and Nrep's Logicenters, our region is setting new standards for the industry."


The property will have 2,000m2 of green roof and a 16,500m2 area for a two-megawatt photovoltaic system. Inside, LED lighting and an air-to-air heat pump will be used for heating. The construction aims for sustainability, with plans for dismantling and reusing materials. The project will seek certification according to the Gold Standard of the German Sustainable Building Council. It's conveniently located with access to roads, railways, and public transportation. The building will be open for use without fixed rental commitments, and talks are ongoing with interested parties from the automotive supplier industry.


Image provided by AD HOC.


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