Final stage of demolition works of TDJ Estate investment near the Spodek Arena gathering pace (PL)

katowice demolition | ©TDJ Estate

An office complex comprised of two buildings joined by a car park, as well as the division of the development process into stages, are the first confirmed details of the investment which will be completed at Katowice. The Katowice City Hall has officially approved the building plan, enabling the initiation of the next project stage. The last stage of demolition is currently in progress on the site.


TDJ Estate has received the final building permit for developing the office complex, which will be erected on a plot of land in the centre of Katowice, near the legendary Spodek Arena and the recently developed Cultural Zone for nearly PLN1bn (€230m). The decision was issued by the Katowice City Hall on 23 November 2015.


“The issuance of this building permit is a confirmation of our previous declarations that the works on the investment are completed at multiple stages and are highly advanced at this point. Nevertheless, this is not the right time to give you all the details just yet because the exact outcome of the project depends on a number of components in relation to which the applicable decisions will be made in the upcoming months”, said Maciej Wójcik, president of the management board at TDJ Estate.


“This is a very important investment, not only for our company, but also for the city of Katowice and the region. In the history of this city, and particularly of this plot of land, there were numerous plan attempts and even promises were made in the form of visualisations, which later failed to be kept. Our approach is different. We want to provide responsible and reasonable information about the project while only discussing its confirmed details.”


The majority of the buildings’ space will be used for office purposes, complemented by commercial and service space which will include a cafeteria, the branch of a bank, companies operating in the financial market sector, as well as a medical centre and a coffee shop. The project will be completed in two different stages to ensure smooth commercialisation and to create a perspective of flexible growth for possible tenants.


“The project of the office complex is developed together with the Bytom-based Medusa Group. Its representatives are also responsible for the entire architectural documentation for this new facility. We hope that the involvement of an experienced team, and proper implementation of the architects’ visions, will be well adopted among the local community and the future recipients. The first negotiations relating to lease of space are already underway”, said Maciej Wójcik, president of the management board at TDJ Estate.


The final stage of demolition works is underway for an office building which was located on the central plot of land from the beginning of the 1970s. The area is slightly over 0.7ha and was purchased by TDJ Estate in 2013 for PLN29m (€6.7m).

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