Dutch real estate funds ING Real Estate again outperform the benchmark

The ING Dutch Office Fund, the ING Dutch Retail Fund and the ING Dutch Residential Fund of ING Real Estate outperformed the ROZ/IPD benchmark again in 2002. These funds invest in Dutch real estate with office, retail and residential use respectively. These performances are demonstrated by the results of the ROZ/IPD Netherlands Property Index 2002.

The ING Dutch Office Fund shows a performance of 8.7% which is an outperformance of 0.4% compared to the ROZ/IPD index, which shows an average of 8.3% for the office sector. For the retail sector the ROZ/IPD shows an average performance of 9.9%. With a performance of 10.8% this means an outperformance for the ING Dutch Retail Fund of 0.9%. The ING Dutch Residential Fund shows a performance of 10.0%. This means an outperformance of 1.7% above the average of 8.% set by the ROZ/IPD. The outperformance has been based on standing investments.

The funds have also shown an excellent performance in the period 2000-2002. The ING Dutch Office Fund showed an average outperformance of 1.7% above the ROZ/IPD benchmark in this period. The ING Dutch Retail Fund showed an average outperformance of 0.5% in the same period and the ING Dutch Residential showed an average outperformance of 0.3%.

The ING Dutch Office Fund, the ING Dutch Retail Fund and the ING Dutch Residential Fund have an invested amount of € 1.6 billion, € 1,3 billion and € 750 million respectively. The funds are non listed real estate funds which are open to institutional investors in the Netherlands as well as other countries.

Source: ING Real Estate

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