Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Union Investment signed two new leases in Brussels (BE)
Union Investment has signed two leases with the global accounting network BDO for office space in the Corporate Village at Brussels Airport. The network’s Belgian firm, BDO Services CVBA, a tenant in the Elsinore building since 2006, has extended its lease for 2,750 m² until 2027.
In the same building, a total of 945 m² of office space has been newly let to Brussels Worldwide Services BVBA, the headquarters of the network’s international executive office and the entity coordinating service provision within the international BDO network of independent member firms. The lease runs until 2024. The fully-let building is part of the portfolio of open-ended real estate fund Unilmmo: Europa, as is the adjacent Figueras building.
Corporate Village comprises seven office buildings named after places linked with famous artists and provides a total of around 72,600 m² of space. Six of the buildings belong to the Union Investment portfolio. Elsinore is currently being restructured by Union Investment with a cafeteria and gym being installed on the ground floor.
In addition, large wooden terraces with seating areas are being constructed for the tenants in front of the six Union Investment buildings. These changes will be completed by the second quarter of 2015.
Source: Union Investment