Of all its 38 close-ended real estate funds only one underperformed. Four outperformed their objective by more than 50%
In its Performance Report DB Real Estate evaluates the performance of its 29 German real estate funds and its 9 foreign funds, including 'Primus', which only invests in the US.
The best performing fund is the Einkaufs-Center-Immobilienfonds, which started back in 1975. On an annual basis this fund returned 26.7% on investment. Three other funds were way over 10%. In only one case, where the tenant turned out to be insolvent, DB Real Estate had to take a lower rent, so that the result dropped to 3.2% instead of the forecasted 6.1%. After taxes, the close-ended funds had a return of on average 8% per year.
(source: DB Real Estate)