SBV School of Real Estate has appointed Rob Crassee, Hamith Breedvald and Albert Flesseman as new fellows.
Drs R.E.F.A Crassee MRE FRICS was appointed Fellow Corporate Real Estate and Urban Redevelopment. He will mainly assist student in writing final papers and masterproofs and advise the SBV board on both areas of expertise. In 1991 Crassee was one of the first students to successfully graduate as MRE from the school. He was also the first student to win the SBV thesis-award. Crassee is currently working as Corporate Real Estate manager at Ahold Real Estate.
Mr H.M.I.Th. Breedveld has been appointed Fellow Private Law and Contracts. Breedveld has been teaching private law at the MRE-education for some years. In his role as fellow he will also be active in assisting thesis and masterproofs. Breedveld is currently working as a notary for Loyens & Loeff. In 2001 he received the Kohnstamm-award, anannual award presented by students for the best SBV-MRE teacher.
Mr A.D. Flesseman was appointed Fellow Rental Law. He will be working in the field of research and education of rental law corporate buildings. Apart from teaching, Flesseman will assist students in writing final papers and the development of materials for rental law for company buildings and retail. Flesseman has been a teacher for the MRE-education for some time and was recently appointed as teacher for the SBV Master of Science in Real Estate and several in-company trainings. Flesseman is lawyer and partner at Boekel de Neree inAmsterdam.