Johan Ericsson has been appointed Chief Executive of Catella Property AB and Group Chief Executive of Catella Property Group. The appointment comes as a result of the resignation of Stefan Lennhammer, who has been Group Chief Executive for the past seven years and is now stepping down for personal reasons.
Johan Ericsson has been appointed Chief Executive of Catella Property AB and Group Chief Executive of Catella Property Group.
The appointment comes as a result of the resignation of Stefan Lennhammer, who has been Group Chief Executive for the past seven years and is now stepping down for personal reasons.
Along with Lennart Schuss, Johan Ericsson is a co-founder of Catella Property’s Swedish subsidiary, Catella Corporate Finance.
In conjunction with Johan Ericsson’s appointment, Lennart Schuss has been named Chief Executive of Catella Corporate Finance and Deputy Chief Executive of Catella Property AB.
Also, Misha Moeremans d’Emaus is to assume greater responsibility for the Group’s European operations and will become board chairman of all the group’s non-Nordic subsidiaries.
Catella Property Group’s executive management will thus consist of Group Chief Executive Johan Ericsson; Deputy Chief Executive Lennart Schuss; Deputy Chief Executive Misha Moeremans d’Emaus; and Deputy Chief Executive and CFO Ando Wikström.
The changes are aimed primarily at giving group management the possibility to focus on business operations and enhancing synergism among the various national companies.
Source: Catella