Lar Espana has secured €98.5m facility to fund the construction and launch phases of the Palmas Altas retail and family leisure complex. The seven-year loan was granted by Banco ...
Real I.S. has acquired Sumatrakontor in Hamburg’s HafenCity on behalf of an individual investor. The multifunctional, ten-storey building was constructed in 2010 and compromises ...
Thor Equities Europe has closed on the sale of 54 Rue de Rennes and 32 Rue de Archives in Paris. Located on the corner of Rue Bernard Palissy, 54 Rue de Rennes ...
CBRE Global Investors, acting on behalf of the CBRE Dutch Retail Fund, has sold five Dutch shopping centres to a consortium of ARC Real Estate Partners and a US-based private equity ...
Aspelin Ramm has sold one of the Nordics’ most attractive shopping centres, ALNA centre, after 40 years’ ownership. ALNA is Oslo's third largest shopping centre and a popular retail ...
Tesi, the state-owned venture capital and private equity company, has made an investment in Finland’s first Outlet village. “Sales in European Outlets is growing nearly 10% ...
Arena Centar has completed the first stage of refurbishment by expanding its retail area by approximately 2,000m² of the planned 5,500m². The renovation ...
Corpus Sireo Real Estate, acting on behalf of for a real estate fund launched by Swiss Life Asset Managers, has acquired a prominent commercial building in Helsinki. The purchase price ...