Niam continues its push into the Danish residential segment and aim to deploy upwards of €600m over the next coming years. After the successful establishment of Kronhusene, a residential ...
AEW acquired an office repositioning opportunity at 95 New Cavendish Street in the Fitzrovia district (West End of London). The transaction has been concluded on behalf of its recently announced ...
Allsop raised c. €104.5 in total over a two-day period through separate commercial and residential auctions held in November. The commercial auction kicked off the week, raising almost c. ...
Union Investment takes over the Newtown Gardens residential complex located in Blackrock, a suburb in the south of Dublin. It has been completed and added to the portfolio of the open-ended real ...
HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH (HIH Invest) just sold the Michelkontor office building in the Neustadt district of Hamburg to PAMERA Real Estate Partners GmbH, a real estate family office. The ...
Newcore Capital (Newcore) has acquired 15 assets in the primary healthcare sector for a combined sum of c. €59.5m. Of the 15 assets acquired, 12 were purchased from a major UK REIT in a c. ...
IREMIS announces the acquisition of the Pullman Hotel in Dresden from Covivio Hotels on behalf of its IREMIS Hotel Real Estate Fund I for c. €30.5m. The hotel will be renovated and operated ...
Broadwood Capital has secured backing from Aviva Investors for a dedicated sustainable later-living credit fund. The Broadwood Later Living Sustainable Construction Finance Fund (the Fund) will ...