KINGSTONE Real Estate has acquired a mixed-use healthcare asset in Molln for their healthcare real estate AIF. The property is the historic main building at the Robert-Koch-Park, ...
Threestones Capital acquires an additional clinic/nursing home facility located in Uhlstadt-Kirchhasel in the district of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thuringia, Germany, for its TSC Fund - Eurocare IV ...
Following the exclusivity agreement signed on March 13th, 2023, Primonial REIM announced the closing of the first phase of the acquisition of 64% of Icade's stake in Icade Sante for ...
Clarion Partners Europe (Clarion) has acquired three distribution warehouses in Widnes, UK on behalf of a commingled fund client. With a combined area of c. 65,000m2, the newly constructed ...
Kajima signed flexible workspace provider Industrious for the remaining c. 2,000m2 of commercial space across two floors at its landmark Moorgate office development, 77 Coleman in the City of ...
HIH Invest Real Estate (HIH Invest) has acquired Telos Clinic Liblar for its open-ended special AIF "Vita Invest". The new-build core property at Radmacherstraße 83 in the ...
Region Sormland has contracted NCC to refurbish and convert five floors in two existing hospital buildings at Nykoping lasarett at a total order value of c. €27m, which will be ...
The Largest ever care home acquisition in the Swedish market with 22 properties to become part of NREP’s social infrastructure platform Altura. NREP, the ESG-focused real estate investor ...