DekaBank has provided a €62.22m (£56.25m) loan secured on Bonhill Building, 15 Bonhill Street, London EC2, for Swiss Life Asset Managers the leading European real estate asset ...
LGIM Real Assets has provided €111.4m (£100m) in deferred long-term financing to Bromford Housing Group (Bromford), the largest provider of affordable homes across Central and South West ...
Investec Structured Property Finance has agreed to provide a joint venture between Urban & Provincial and Avanton with an €8.9m (£8m) facility to refinance existing debt secured ...
Investec Structured Property Finance has provided Monarch Square Holdings, a predominantly South African backed consortium, with a €13.8m (£12.3m) stretched senior loan to fund the ...
IPUT Real Estate has secured €300m revolving credit facility (RCF) with Wells Fargo Bank. In line with IPUT’s corporate values and commitment to responsible investment, the RCF ...
Accor has signed an agreement with a consortium of 5 banks for a new €560m Revolving Credit Facility (RCF). It complements the undrawn €1.2bn RCF signed in July 2018. It further ...
Reditum Capital has arranged a €11.2m (£10m) bridging facility with The High Street Group for the development of a prime residential project in the centre of Newcastle. The ...
Fozzy Group has secured €55m (US$60m) financing from the EBRD for the renovation of its retail portfolio, featuring 41 Silpo supermarkets and 29 Fora convenience stores. In the context of the ...