AXA Real Estate Investment Managers announces the appointment of Nathalie Charles as Regional Head of Asset Management and Transactions, Southern Region. Reporting to Anne Kavanagh, Global Head of ...
Atrium European Real Estate (VSE/Euronext: ATRS), announced the appointment of Soňa Hýbnerová as its new chief financial officer to succeed David Doyle, who is leaving the Group to pursue other bus ...
AXA Real Estate announces that it has been appointed to manage a new €350 million pan-European investment mandate by the Établissement Retraite Additionnelle de la Fonction Publique (‘ERAFP’), ...
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank is expanding its public investment finance activities to include the Nordic countries. Activities will initially focus on Sweden and Finland, where pbb has already closed l ...
The Temporary Group is an Italian based joint venture group cooperation of companies composed exclusively of BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Management Italy, REAG, Collier International and Investir ...
Within the framework of the partial sale of the holdings of the French state and the French Strategic Investment Fund (Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement), VINCI acquires 4,643,968 shares of Aéropor ...
Commerz Real AG just signed a contract for the sale of its investment company Commerz Real Spezialfondsgesellschaft mbh (CRS). The buyer is a subsidiary of the Internos Group whose cross-European busi ...
Heijmans and Barclays Infrastructure Fund (BIF) are going to be partners in the Heijmans Capital BV joint venture for financing DBFMO (design, build, finance, maintain, operate) projects. The partners ...