Castellum has through wholly owned subsidiaries acquired three properties for SEKm 145 and sold two properties for SEKm 27.
In the beginning of April, Eklandia Fastighets AB has acquired and taken possession of two commercial properties in Gothenburg with a total area of 32,700 sq.m. for SEKm 136. One of the properties is fully let and the other one has an economic occupancy rate of approx. 85%. Both properties have attractive locations near the harbour.
During March, Fastighets AB Briggen has acquired and taken possession of one commercial property in Malmö with an area of 1,800 sq.m. for SEKm 9. The property is fully let and situated in an area were the company already owns properties.
During March, Eklandia Fastighets AB sold a residential property of approx. 1,000 sq.m. to a new tenant owners' association. The sales price of SEKm 15 exceeded the valuation by SEKm 5 and the book value by SEKm 9, as of 31 December, 2004.
In the beginning of April, Aspholmen Fastigheter AB sold a commercial property in Köping with an area of approx. 1,400 sq.m. Following the sale the company no longer owns any properties in Köping. The sales price of SEKm 12 equaled the valuation and exceeded the book value by SEKm 1, as of 31 December, 2004.
Source: Castellum